Sleuth Custom Automations Documentation

Sleuth's custom automations framework lets you build your own automation rules to remove toil and streamline your development and deployment workflows.

There are two ways to build and deploy custom automations. The first is to define your rules in a YAML file and then insert that YAML file into each code repository where you want those rules to be evaluated (located at .sleuth/rules.yml). The advantage of this approach is that you can modify your custom automations "as code" (e.g. enforcing your SDLC process around changes to rules and ensuring preservation of historical states). The disadvantage is that it's more effort to deploy rules to multiple repositories (since each requires its own rules.yaml file) and to make changes to rules over time (since rules changes will be treated like any other code changes).

The second method is to use the custom automation template provided in Sleuth's automations Marketplace. This option allows you to quickly write a new automations (using YAML) and deploy it to multiple teams or projects, all from within Sleuth's UI. You can also modify or uninstall those automations quickly from within Sleuth's UI. This option is great for quickly experimenting with automations, putting them out to team quickly, tweaking them based on feedback, and if they aren't producing the intended effect, removing them as quickly as you added them. While this option streamlines experimentation by removing the need to manually add a rules.yaml files to multiple repositories or to issue pull requests each time you want to change those rules, it might not conform to some organizations' policies for managing "rules as code".

Whichever method you prefer, Sleuth automations are always comprised one or more triggers (e.g. a PR update, a code deployment, or a user-defined schedule), conditions (e.g. a code deployment is "healthy"), and actions (e.g. send a Slack message, trigger a build). This document describes how to express and combine the trigger, conditions, and actions supported by Sleuth's custom automations framework.

Here's an example of .sleuth/rules.yml:

    - stage-to-prod:
        description: Automatically promotes a healthy staging deployment to production
          - environment='Staging'
          - health='Healthy'
          - auto_approve_build: test-and-deploy
          - add_to_deploy_message_thread: Build promoted automatically on a healthy staging deploy

    - quick-fixes:
          - environment='Staging'
          - pr_labels='quickfix'
          - deployed
          - auto_approve_build: 'test-and-deploy'
          - add_to_deploy_message_thread: Deploy automatically promoted as a quickfix

A rule can be named whatever you want, stage-to-prod and quick-fixes in this example, and can have a description to display in the Sleuth interface.

For more examples, see our cookbook.

To validate your actions, open up a code deployment and find actions validator in the top right (cog wheel) menu.


The conditions section contains zero or more expressions that all must match in order to execute the actions. An expression can contain joined expressions using or and and.

If an operator is applied to a list of values, the operator returns true if any of the values in the list match.

Lists can also be compared to integers, in this case we are looking at the number of items in the list.

String literal values must be single quoted (') as double quotes are generally reserved for the YAML parser.


  • > - Greater than
  • >= - Greater than or equal to
  • < - Less than
  • <= - Less than or equal to
  • = - Equal to. If either side is a list, it matches if those intersect.
  • != - Not equal to. If either side is a list, it matches if those do not intersect.
  • <> - Not equal to. If either side is a list, it matches if those do not intersect.
  • ~= - Matches the value. If the value is a string, the 'regex' matcher is assumed. If either side is a list, it matches if those intersect.
  • !~= - Doesn't match the value. If the value is a string, the 'regex' matcher is assumed. If either side is a list, it matches if those do not intersect.


  • all (string) - Matches all in the passed list, which can also be a variable [Set of Work in progress Items] [Set of pull requests] [Pull request] [Deploy] [Project] [Team] [Set of deploys] [Work in progress item]
    Default triggers: /
  • author_email (string) - Deploy author email [Deploy]
    Default triggers: deployed
  • base_branch (string) - PR base branch. Branch PR is opened against [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_openedpr_edited
  • branch (string) - Deploy source branch (full name of the branch this deploy's latest commit is on) [Deploy]
    Default triggers: deployed
  • coding_time (time period) - Coding time [Work in progress item] [Pull request] [Set of Work in progress Items] [Deploy]
    Default triggers: wip_set_durationdeployed
  • commits (integer) - Num of commits [Deploy]
    Default triggers: deployed
  • day_of_month (integer) - Day of month action execution (value between 1 and 28/29/30/31) [Set of Work in progress Items] [Set of pull requests] [Pull request] [Deploy] [Project] [Team] [Set of deploys] [Work in progress item]
    Default triggers: /
  • day_of_week (string) - Day of week of action execution (Monday is 0 and Sunday is 6) [Set of Work in progress Items] [Set of pull requests] [Pull request] [Deploy] [Project] [Team] [Set of deploys] [Work in progress item]
    Default triggers: /
  • deploy_message_reaction_minus_1 (integer) - Count of :-1: reactions to the deploy channel message [Deploy]
    Default triggers: deploy_message_reaction
  • deploy_message_reaction_plus_1 (integer) - Count of :+1: reactions to the deploy channel message [Deploy]
    Default triggers: deploy_message_reaction
  • deploy_message_reaction_rocket (integer) - Count of :rocket: reactions to the deploy channel message [Deploy]
    Default triggers: deploy_message_reaction
  • deployed_for (time period) - Time passed since the deploy was registered [Deploy]
    Default triggers: deployed_duration
  • deploying_time (time period) - Deploying time [Work in progress item] [Pull request] [Set of Work in progress Items] [Deploy]
    Default triggers: wip_set_durationdeployed
  • deployment (string) - Deployment or change source name [Deploy]
    Default triggers: /
  • drift_days_to_development (integer) - Drift to Development in in days [Deploy]
    Default triggers: deployed
  • drift_days_to_production (integer) - Drift to Production in in days [Deploy]
    Default triggers: deployed
  • drift_days_to_staging (integer) - Drift to Staging in in days [Deploy]
    Default triggers: deployed
  • drift_to_development (integer) - Drift to Development in deploy count [Deploy]
    Default triggers: deployed
  • drift_to_production (integer) - Drift to Production in deploy count [Deploy]
    Default triggers: deployed
  • drift_to_staging (integer) - Drift to Staging in deploy count [Deploy]
    Default triggers: deployed
  • environment (string) - Environment name [Work in progress item] [Pull request] [Deploy]
    Default triggers: deployed
  • even_week (boolean) - Is the current week even? [Set of Work in progress Items] [Set of pull requests] [Pull request] [Deploy] [Project] [Team] [Set of deploys] [Work in progress item]
    Default triggers: /
  • execute_once_per_pr (boolean) - Execute only once per PR [Pull request]
    Default triggers: /
  • failed_rules (list of strings) - Rules that failed on the same deploy (rules with failed conditions are not included) [Deploy]
    Default triggers: /
  • files (list of strings) - List of file paths in the target object [Pull request] [Deploy]
    Default triggers: /
  • git_commit_format (string) - Git commit format matcher. Uses Gitlint - [Set of Work in progress Items] [Set of pull requests] [Pull request] [Deploy] [Project] [Team] [Set of deploys] [Work in progress item]
    Default triggers: /
  • glob (string) - Glob pattern for matching paths [Set of Work in progress Items] [Set of pull requests] [Pull request] [Deploy] [Project] [Team] [Set of deploys] [Work in progress item]
    Default triggers: /
  • health (string or none) - Health [Deploy]
    Default triggers: deploy_health_received
  • issue_key_pattern (string) - The issue key regex pattern for the configured issue integration of the project [Pull request] [Deploy]
    Default triggers: /
  • last_locked_by (string) - Email of the last user who locked the Code Deployment [Deploy]
    Default triggers: /
  • locked (boolean) - Deployment is locked [Deploy]
    Default triggers: /
  • magnitude (string) - Magnitude (ie. Small, Medium,...) [Deploy]
    Default triggers: deployed
  • month (integer) - Month of action execution (value between 1 and 12) [Set of Work in progress Items] [Set of pull requests] [Pull request] [Deploy] [Project] [Team] [Set of deploys] [Work in progress item]
    Default triggers: /
  • num_pull_requests (integer) - Number of pull requests in a deploy [Deploy]
    Default triggers: /
  • other_pr_labels (list of strings) - Labels on pull requests other than the current one [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_others_edited
  • pr_additions_count (integer) - Number of added or changed lines in a pull request [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_openedpr_edited
  • pr_approver_emails (list of strings) - A list of emails of people that have approved the pull request [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_openedpr_reviewed
  • pr_batch_size (string) - Batch size of a pull request. Options: ['SMALL', 'MEDIUM', 'LARGE', 'GIGANTIC'] [Work in progress item] [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_openedpr_edited
  • pr_check_disabled (boolean) - PR check disabled [Pull request]
    Default triggers: /
  • pr_coding_time (time period) - PR coding time [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_open_duration
  • pr_commit_messages (list of strings) - List of commit messages in a pull request [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_openedpr_edited
  • pr_deletions_count (integer) - Number of deleted lines in a pull request [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_openedpr_edited
  • pr_description (string) - Pull request description [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_openedpr_edited
  • pr_file_count (string) - Number of changed files in a pull request [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_openedpr_edited
  • pr_files (list of strings) - List of changed files in a pull request [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_openedpr_edited
  • pr_is_draft (boolean) - Pull request is marked as draft [Work in progress item] [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_opened
  • pr_is_ignored (boolean) - Pull request is ignored from metrics [Work in progress item] [Pull request]
    Default triggers: /
  • pr_labels (list of strings) - Pull request labels [Pull request] [Deploy]
    Default triggers: pr_openedpr_edited
  • pr_last_update_event (float) - Days since the last update event for a pull request was received [Pull request]
    Default triggers: /
  • pr_open_duration_days (float) - PR open duration expressed in days [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_open_duration
  • pr_review_lag_time (time period) - PR review lag time [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_open_duration
  • pr_review_time (time period) - PR review time [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_open_duration
  • pr_title (string) - Pull request title [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_openedpr_edited
  • project (string) - Project name [Deploy]
    Default triggers: /
  • pull_request_author (list of strings) - Pull request author (email or username or name) [Work in progress item] [Pull request]
    Default triggers: /
  • regex (string) - Regular expression [Set of Work in progress Items] [Set of pull requests] [Pull request] [Deploy] [Project] [Team] [Set of deploys] [Work in progress item]
    Default triggers: /
  • review_lag_time (time period) - Review lag time [Work in progress item] [Pull request] [Set of Work in progress Items] [Deploy]
    Default triggers: wip_set_durationdeployed
  • review_time (time period) - Review time [Work in progress item] [Pull request] [Set of Work in progress Items] [Deploy]
    Default triggers: wip_set_durationdeployed
  • slack_channel_approval_status (string) - If deploy was approved via Slack [Deploy]
    Default triggers: /
  • source_branch (string) - PR Source branch. Branch PR is opened from [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_opened
  • stale_for (time period) - Pull request stale duration [Pull request]
    Default triggers: pr_open_duration
  • state (string) - State of the Pull request (possibilities: closed, merged, open, unknown) [Work in progress item] [Pull request]
    Default triggers: /
  • successful_rules (list of strings) - Rules that succeeded on the same deploy [Deploy]
    Default triggers: /
  • tags (list of strings) - Deploy tags [Deploy]
    Default triggers: deployed
  • todo_item_pattern (string) - Checkbox indicating a TODO item [Pull request]
    Default triggers: /
  • utc_hour (integer) - UTC hour of action execution (value between 0 and 23) [Set of Work in progress Items] [Set of pull requests] [Pull request] [Deploy] [Project] [Team] [Set of deploys] [Work in progress item]
    Default triggers: /


  • sleuth_validate_config_format (boolean) - Validates the presence and format of Sleuth validate INI configuration. Can pass in 'required=false' to make it optional.

Time period units

We support the following format "dd:hh:mm:ss". The values are optional, but must be in the order of days, hours, minutes and seconds.

  • d - days
  • h - hours
  • m - minutes
  • s - seconds


The filters section is optional and contains zero or more expressions that filter a set of items.

It can only be used on sets of items like [Set of Work in progress Items] or [Set of pull requests], not on individual targets like [Deploy] or [Pull request].

The conditions are applied to the target (a set or an individual object) as a whole, while the filters are applied to each item in the set.

Here's an example:

    - deploying-time-goal:
        description: Notify us when the deploying time is over the goal
          - wip_set_duration
          - state='merged'
          - environment='Production'
          - deploying_time>'0d:0h:20m:0s'
          - slack_channel_message:
              channel: '#dev-notifications'
              message: 'Oh-oh, {{ authors_slack }} the deploying time is over the goal!'

The rule in the example above will be triggered every minute (because the triggers is wip_set_duration).

The rule will fetch all Work in progress items whose state is merged and which belong to the environment Production (because of the filters).

Then it will check if deploying_time for the set is more than 20 minutes and send a Slack notification, if it is so.


  • add_deploy_tag - Add a tag to the deploy
    • value (string) - The tag name to add
  • add_pr_comment - Add a comment to the pull request
    • comment (string) - Comment to add on a PR
  • add_pr_label - Add a label to the pull request
    • value (string) - The label name to add
  • add_to_deploy_message_thread - Add a message to the deploy message thread
    • value (string) - The markdown message to send
  • analytics_tracking - Analytics tracking
    • analytics_event (string) - Analytics event to track
    • extra_data (Dict) - Extra arguments passed into analytics event
  • auto_approve_build - Auto-approve build
    • value (string) - The name of the build to approve
    • build (string) - The name of the build to approve
    • job (string) - The name of the job inside the build to approve
  • close_pr - Add a comment to the pull request
  • monitor_drift - Monitor the drift from a deploy to a target environment and perform actions when it is exceeded or returned
    • environment (string) - The name of the target environment to measure against
    • threshold (string) - The amount of drift time to trigger actions. Use the format '4h' or 4d'.
    • on_over (ActionList) - A list of actions to execute the first time the drift threshold has been exceeded
    • on_under (ActionList) - A list of actions to execute the first time the deploy is under the drift threshold
  • notify_mentioned_issues - Notify issues mentioned in commits or pull requests (Jira and Linear only)
  • project_lock - Project Lock
    • action (string) - The locking action performed: either 'lock' on 'unlock'
  • remove_pr_label - Add a label to the pull request
    • value (string) - The label name to add
  • remove_pr_label_by_prefix_filter - Remove PR labels by prefix filter, while keeping the optional label value
    • label_to_keep (string) - The label name to keep
    • prefix_filter (string) - Prefix filter to filter labels from
  • set_pr_check - Change the pull request status check
    • name (string) - The name of the check
    • status (string) - The status of the check
  • set_pull_request_ignore - Ignore this PR from metrics
    • ignored (Boolean) - Should the PR be ignored (ignored:true) or un-ignored (ignored:false). Default: true.
  • slack_channel_approval - Display an approval on Slack and execute actions if confirmed
    • name (string) - Human-readable name of approval, used for display in Sleuth UI
    • channel (string) - Slack channel to display approval in, starting with #
    • prompt (string) - Text to use as prompt, supports markdown
    • on_success (ActionList) - A list of actions to execute on confirmation
    • authors_only (Boolean) - Only accept approvals from deploy authors
    • approvers (List) - A list of users, specified as Sleuth-registered email addresses, to restrict approvals
    • votes_required (integer) - The number of votes required for a successful approval
  • slack_channel_message - Slack channel message
    • channel (string) - The slack channel, starting with #
    • message (string) - The markdown message to send
    • analytics_event (string) - Analytics event to track
  • slack_personal_message - Slack personal message
    • email (string) - The email of the user to message. Required if 'group' is not used.
    • group (string) - The name of the group of users to target. Must be one of ['authors', 'deployer', 'reviewers']. Required if 'email' is not used.
    • message (string) - The markdown message to send
  • teams_channel_message - Microsoft Teams channel message
    • webhook_url (string) - URL of an incoming webhook for your Microsoft Teams channel
    • message (string) - The markdown message to send
  • teams_deploy_message - Deploy message sent to a Microsoft Teams channel
    • webhook_url (string) - URL of an incoming webhook for your Microsoft Teams channel
  • transition_mentioned_issues - Transition issues mentioned in commits or pull requests (Jira and Linear only)
    • state (string) - The target transition state name
    • state_id (string) - The target transition state ID for Linear (`state_id` will override `state` when set)
    • resolution (string) - The optional resolution name, if applicable
  • trigger_build - Trigger build
    • revision (string) - The revision to execute the build from
    • parameters (Dict) - A map of parameters to pass to the workflow
  • update_mentioned_issues - Update issues mentioned in commits or pull requests (Jira only, and only for simple fields)
    • field_name (string) - The name of the field to update
    • field_value (string) - The value of the field
  • validate_pr_metrics - Validate PR metrics, if configured [beta]
    • on_pass (ActionList) - A list of actions to execute on pass
    • on_fail (ActionList) - A list of actions to execute on fail
    • on_error (ActionList) - A list of actions to execute on error
  • webhook - Outgoing webhook
    • value (string) - The webhook URL


  • authors_slack (string) - Authors in the form of Slack mentions [Work in progress item] [Pull request] [Set of Work in progress Items] [Deploy]
  • base_branch (string) - PR base branch. Branch PR is opened against [Pull request]
  • branch (string) - Deploy source branch (full name of the branch this deploy's latest commit is on) [Deploy]
  • coding_time (time period) - Coding time [Work in progress item] [Pull request] [Set of Work in progress Items] [Deploy]
  • deploy_date (string) - Date when the deploy occurred in ISO format (ie. 2000-01-01T12:00:00+00:00) [Deploy]
  • deploy_slack (string) - URL to the deploy in Slack format [Deploy]
  • deploy_teams (string) - URL to the deploy in Microsoft Teams format [Deploy]
  • deploy_url (string) - URL to the deploy in the Sleuth UI [Deploy]
  • deploying_time (time period) - Deploying time [Work in progress item] [Pull request] [Set of Work in progress Items] [Deploy]
  • deployment (string) - Deployment or change source name [Deploy]
  • drift_days_to_development (integer) - Drift to Development in in days [Deploy]
  • drift_days_to_production (integer) - Drift to Production in in days [Deploy]
  • drift_days_to_staging (integer) - Drift to Staging in in days [Deploy]
  • drift_to_development (integer) - Drift to Development in deploy count [Deploy]
  • drift_to_production (integer) - Drift to Production in deploy count [Deploy]
  • drift_to_staging (integer) - Drift to Staging in deploy count [Deploy]
  • env_drift_url (string) - Environment drift URL [Deploy]
  • environment (string) - Environment name [Work in progress item] [Pull request] [Deploy]
  • environment_slack (string) - Slack link to list of all deploys registered in this environment [Deploy]
  • goal_coding_time_remaining (string) - Time remaining to open the PR to reach the goal (humanized) [Pull request]
  • goal_deploying_time (string) - Deploying time (humanized) [Work in progress item] [Pull request] [Set of Work in progress Items] [Deploy]
  • goal_deploying_time_remaining (string) - Time remaining to deploy the future deploy to reach the goal (humanized) [Work in progress item] [Pull request] [Set of Work in progress Items] [Deploy]
  • goal_pr_coding_time (string) - PR coding time (humanized) [Pull request]
  • goal_pr_review_lag_time (string) - PR review lag time (humanized) [Pull request]
  • goal_pr_review_time (string) - PR review time (humanized) [Pull request]
  • goal_review_lag_time_remaining (string) - Time remaining for first review the PR to reach the goal (humanized [Pull request]
  • goal_review_time_remaining (string) - Time remaining to review the PR to reach the goal (humanized) [Work in progress item] [Pull request]
  • goal_target_time (string) - The goal time we are aiming for [Set of Work in progress Items] [Set of pull requests] [Pull request] [Deploy] [Project] [Team] [Set of deploys] [Work in progress item]
  • health (string or none) - Health [Deploy]
  • last_locked_by (string) - Email of the last user who locked the Code Deployment [Deploy]
  • pr_authors_slack (string) - PR author in the form of Slack mention [Pull request] [Deploy]
  • pr_batch_size (string) - Batch size of a pull request. Options: ['SMALL', 'MEDIUM', 'LARGE', 'GIGANTIC'] [Work in progress item] [Pull request]
  • pr_coding_time (time period) - PR coding time [Pull request]
  • pr_open_duration_days (float) - PR open duration expressed in days [Pull request]
  • pr_review_lag_time (time period) - PR review lag time [Pull request]
  • pr_review_time (time period) - PR review time [Pull request]
  • pr_reviewers_and_authors_slack (string) - PR reviewers and authors in the form of Slack mentions [Pull request]
  • pr_reviewers_slack (string) - PR reviewers in the form of Slack mentions [Pull request]
  • project (string) - Project name [Deploy]
  • prs_summary (string) - List of pull requests in Slack format [Set of Work in progress Items]
  • prs_summary_teams (string) - List of pull requests in MS Teams format [Set of Work in progress Items]
  • pull_request_id (string) - ID of the pull request [Pull request]
  • pull_request_slack (string) - URL to the pull request in Slack format [Pull request]
  • pull_request_teams (string) - URL to the pull request in MS Teams format [Pull request]
  • pull_request_url (string) - URL to the pull request [Pull request]
  • review_lag_time (time period) - Review lag time [Work in progress item] [Pull request] [Set of Work in progress Items] [Deploy]
  • review_time (time period) - Review time [Work in progress item] [Pull request] [Set of Work in progress Items] [Deploy]
  • revision (string) - SHA value of deploy revision [Deploy]
  • slack_channel_approval_status (string) - If deploy was approved via Slack [Deploy]
  • slack_dora_metrics_digest_weekly (string) - Weekly DORA Metrics Digest for Slack [Project] [Team]
  • slack_wip_metrics_digest (string) - WIP Metrics Digest for Slack [Project] [Team]
  • source_branch (string) - PR Source branch. Branch PR is opened from [Pull request]
  • stale_for (time period) - Pull request stale duration [Pull request]
  • state (string) - State of the Pull request (possibilities: closed, merged, open, unknown) [Work in progress item] [Pull request]
  • teams_dora_metrics_digest_weekly (string) - Weekly DORA Metrics Digest for Microsoft Teams [Project] [Team]
  • teams_wip_metrics_digest (string) - WIP Metrics Digest for Microsoft Teams [Project] [Team]
  • wip_prs_waiting_for_deploy_slack (string) - List of merged pull requests, waiting for deploy, in Slack format [Set of Work in progress Items]

Action variables may be used in various string parameters when configuring actions. They must be wrapped in double curly braces, e.g.: add_to_deploy_message_thread: '{{ authors_slack }}, your code was just deployed!'


  • cron - Regular interval [Set of Work in progress Items]
  • cron_project - Regular interval for Project [Project]
  • cron_team - Regular interval for Team [Team]
  • deploy_health_received - Deploy health received [Deploy]
  • deploy_message_reaction - Deploy message reaction [Deploy]
  • deployed - Deployed [Deploy]
  • deployed_duration - Deployed duration [Deploy]
  • pr_edited - Pull request edited [Pull request]
  • pr_merged - Pull request merged [Pull request]
  • pr_open_duration - Pull request open duration [Pull request]
  • pr_opened - Pull request opened [Pull request]
  • pr_others_edited - Another open pull request edited [Pull request]
  • pr_reviewed - Pull request reviewed [Pull request]
  • wip_set_duration - Duration of WIP items [Set of Work in progress Items]